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Collective Worship



Worship - Term 6

Week 1 Waiting well no matter what
Week 2  Paul: Never give up
Week 3 Paul's good advice
Week 4 Paul's pictures - Armour
Week 5 Paul's pictures - The body
Week 6 Paul's pictures - What love is like
Week 7 Paul's prayers and blessings - The Grace and others

Worship - Term 5

Week 1 Resurrection Appearances
Week 2 Taking the Gospel to the Nations
Week 3 Express God's Mercy and Justice
Week 4 Practise Hospitality
Week 5 Live Prayerfully - Pentecost
Week 6 Celebrate Creativity

Worship - Term 4

Week 1 Lent
Week 2 Fairtrade Fortnight
Week 3 The life of Jesus
Week 4 The life of Jesus
Week 5 Easter
Week 6 Easter

Worship - Term 3

Week 1 Epiphany
Week 2 The Four Gospels
Week 3 Gospel - Jesus brings good news
Week 4 Gospel - Jesus brings good news
Week 5 Gospel - Jesus brings good news
Week 6 Lent

Worship - Term 2

Week 1 Helping Those in Need
Week 2 Remembrance
Week 3 Creating a Fairer World
Week 4 Praying for a Better World
Week 5 Advent
Week 6 Advent
Week 7 Christmas Through the Lens of Angels

Worship - Term 1

Week 1 Rebuilding Together
Week 2 Learning Together from Jesus the Teacher
Week 3 Growing Together in a Growing World - Harvest
Week 4 Flourishing Together
Week 5 Compassion Together
Week 6 Resilience Together
Week 7 Kindness Together