Stars of the Week - 7.2.25
Well done to everyone for all your hard work this week!
Stars of the Week are:-
- Ladybirds - Tobias Y for trying so hard with his phonics and Maths this week.
- Bumblebees - Aathya N for trying hard with lots of her learning.
- Fireflies - Rossi S for great focus and motivation this week.
- Caterpillars - Robyn E for always trying her best.
- Dolphins - Thomas C for trying hard with all his learning this week.
- Sharks - Dylan F for working hard in all his lessons and for showing forgiveness with his friends.
- Stingrays - James H for working well with his partner in computing to create a report about life in the Stone Age.
- Turtles - George R for his excellent persuasive speech in English and solid understanding of decimals in maths.
- Orcas - Samrid S for always working well, and Primrose H for always doing the right thing in class.
- Penguins - Lois P for having a positive attitude to learning and being helpful in the classroom.