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School News

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  • We're an Ofsted Graded Good School!

    Published 03/11/23

    We are very proud to announce the grading of our recent Ofsted inspection. To read the final report, please click here.

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  • Super Summer Fete News!

    Published 12/07/24

    We hope you all enjoyed the Summer Fête held recently. Despite the weather being against us, and moving the activities indoors, together, we raised an amazing £1,289.97 after expenses. Thank you to everyone that supported and attended our event, and also those that purchased raffle tickets. 

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  • Stars of the Week - 12.7.24

    Published 12/07/24

    Well done to everyone for all your hard work this week.

    The Stars of the Week are:-

    • Ladybirds - Riley for being helpful.
    • Dragonflies - Eizun for amazing reading and writing this week.
    • Caterpillars - Ayyub for good listening and effort.
    • Fireflies - Leo for his determination.
    • Dolphins - Maisie for trying hard and always having neatly presented learning.
    • Sharks - Jax M for always trying his best and coming up with helpful ideas.
    • Stingrays - Jax S for being responsible, always up for a challenge and a caring member of the class.
    • Turtles - Kenzie for lovely English work.
    • Orcas - Nina for being a fantastic role model.
    • Penguins - Violet for excellent suspense writing in English.
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  • Young Carers Year 6 Transition Day

    Published 06/07/24

    Our young carers in Year 6 had a great day at the Three Hills recently. As well as meeting staff and some of the Year 7 students, they got to meet other young carers that will be going to their secondary schools. The day was full of exciting activities, such as wheelchair basketball, cricket, dodgeball, boxing and smoothie bikes!

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  • Stars of the Week - 5.7.24

    Published 06/07/24

    Well done to everyone for all your hard work.

    The Stars of the Week are:-

    • Ladybirds - Naima for lots of independent learning this week.
    • Dragonflies - Bria for excellent learning this week.
    • Caterpillars - Aria for having a good attitude to her learning this week.
    • Fireflies - Isla for amazing effort and confidence this week.
    • Dolphins - Fiona for trying hard in English.
    • Sharks - Henry for excellent effort in class.
    • Stingrays - Star for great teamwork in our DT project and always being ready to learn.
    • Turtles - Florrie for good work all week.
    • Orcas - Luca for a good attitude towards his learning.
    • Penguins - Preston for always using his manners and showing kindness to others this week.
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  • Super Sports Day!

    Published 28/06/24

    The children had a great time at the Three Hills and participated in a range of fun events including: basketball, cricket, egg 'n' spoon race, sprint races, speed bounce and obstacle relay. There were lots of tired legs in school today, after so much fun and activity!

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  • Stars of the Week - 21.6.24

    Published 24/06/24

    Well done to everyone for all your hard work.

    The Stars of the Week are:-

    • Ladybirds - Mason W for trying hard with his writing.
    • Dragonflies - Molly Rose for being so helpful and thinking carefully about her maths learning.
    • Caterpillars - Simeon for great perseverance with his handwriting.
    • Fireflies - Reggie for some lovely effort this week.
    • Dolphins - Amara for always trying hard and being an excellent role model for behaviour.
    • Sharks - Elora for a fantastic attitude to learning all week.
    • Stingrays - Harry for helping us all to remember our school values and how we should behave in school.
    • Turtles - Loreen for always working hard and remaining focused on her learning.
    • Orcas - Frankie for having a great attitude to learning.
    • Penguins - Amelia for always showing kindness and helping others when working in class.
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  • The PTFA Needs You!

    Published 15/06/24


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  • Stars of the Week - 14.6.24

    Published 15/06/24

    Well done to everyone for all your hard work this week.

    The Stars of the Week are:-

    • Ladybirds - Imogen for trying so hard with her writing and challenging herself!
    • Dragonflies - Mason R for his super writing this week.
    • Caterpillars - Emmie for excellent effort.
    • Fireflies - Noah for good effort this week.
    • Dolphins - Nicholas for a super-sensible attitude when catching up with learning he had missed.
    • Sharks - Lacie-Mae for always trying her hardest and working well as a team in Art this week.
    • Stingrays - Teagan for improving her handwriting.
    • Turtles - Harry for his exemplary classroom behaviour and attitude to learning.
    • Orcas - Annabelle for having a great attitude to learning all week.
    • Penguins - Harvey for showing kindness by helping his classmates.
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  • Stars of the Week - 7.5.24

    Published 08/06/24


    Well done to everyone for all your hard work this week.

    The Stars of the Week are:-

    • Ladybirds - Noah for being a good friend
    • Dragonflies - Arlo for amazing independent maths learning this week.
    • Caterpillars - Gabriel for trying hard.
    • Fireflies - Mishek for super effort this week.
    • Dolphins - Iriz for trying hard, especially in Maths and Reading
    • Sharks - Casey for being a good friend and a good listener.
    • Stingrays - Josh for making a superb effort with homework.
    • Turtles - Adeena
    • Orcas - Avalon for fantastic English!
    • Penguins - Kyle for excellent work in English interpreting The Raven poem.
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  • All Souls' Parent and Toddler Group

    Published 08/06/24

    Our new Parent and Toddler Group opened on Tuesday and was a great success. It will be running every Tuesday 10am -11am at All Souls' Church Hall and everyone is welcome.

    We would like to thank Tesco for the funding that has enabled us to run this group.


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