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School News

To view our school community's exciting  learning, click 'Personal Development Gallery' in the blue menu box.

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  • Action on Homeless in Folkestone

    Published 09/06/23

    Our Monday baking club makes bakes for Action on Homelessness in Folkestone, which is also one of the charities the quiz nights Mrs Harvey has organised have been supporting. Here's a message of thanks received from Action on Homeless.


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  • Class Star of the Week - 26.05.23

    Published 04/06/23

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  • Walk on Wednesday Champions

    Published 04/06/23

    Congratulations to Ladybirds, Caterpillars and Penguins for being this week's WALK ON WEDNESDAYS joint champions, with 93% taking part. Well done to everyone! Keep walking!

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  • Race for Life - 26.5.23

    Published 24/05/23

    Dear Parents/Carers,

    As many of you will be aware each year we join together as a school community to hold a Race for Life and raise funds for Cancer Research. This year we will be making a slight addition to our event by creating a way in which it can support our school community also. Due to the cost of living crisis that we are all experiencing, this year, we will not be sending home sponsorship forms or asking for sponsorship contributions via just giving pages. With being as mindful as possible to our families, whilst also still wanting to support vital causes, this year, we are inviting families to make donations of whatever monetary amount you are able to in the following ways:

    •  My Child at School App – You will fnd a tab in the school shop called ‘Fundraising’ this is open for donations now. 
    • Cash – we are happy to accept cash if need be but would prefer via the app where possible.

    All monies that are raised from this event will then be shared between Cancer Research UK and our own school playground improvement fundraising pot.

    The event will take place on Friday 26th May 2023 and will be held on the Cherition Recreational Park next to the school during the school day. We will be asking all of our pupils to come onto the field and participate in whatever distance they can manage. Pupils can complete this activity in any way they would like, walking, running, three-legged, crawling, skipping, dribbling a football etc. Please have a chat at home about what individual ideas you can come up with!

    Parents and Carers are invited to join us at this time. The event will take place between 1.20PM and 2.50PM. Pupils will take turns within their Key Stage to use the park. You are welcome to stay for the whole afternoon, or just your child’s slot. Pupils are still at school during this time and as so will be under the direction and expectations of school staff. The school day will finish as normal with a 3PM collection from the playground. Photos, with permission, from the event will be shared on the school website and social media, we ask that you refrain from taking photos, unless they are solely of your child/ren to support our safeguarding policies in place, thank you.

    •  Foundation and KS1 1.20-1.50PM
    •  Lower KS 2 1.50-2.20PM
    • Upper KS2 2.20 – 2.50PM

    Children are also invited to come to school on the day in their own clothes with a pink and blue theme to support the colours of Cancer Research.

    Thank you for your support in this event,

    Mrs C Harvey

    PE Lead


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  • Class Star of the Week - 19.5.23

    Published 19/05/23

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  • Walk on Wednesday Champions

    Published 19/05/23

    Congratulations to Penguins for being this week's WALK ON WEDNESDAYS champions with 92% of the class taking part. Well done to everyone. Keep walking!

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  • Beautiful Butterflies!

    Published 19/05/23

    This week, the children in KS1 set the beautiful butterflies free. We have been watching them grow over the past few weeks and were amazed as we watched the life-cycle unfold in front of our eyes! 

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  • Young Carers Transition Event

    Published 19/05/23

    Our Year 6 young carers had a great day out at the Three Hills this week, where they took part in boxing, skateboarding and wheelchair basketball, as well as making smoothies on the smoothie bike!

    They also got to meet other young carers from different primary schools, that will be going to their secondary school, and made lots of new friends.

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  • Class Star of the Week - 12.5.23

    Published 12/05/23

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  • Walk on Wednesday Champions

    Published 12/05/23

    Congratulations to Ladybirds for being this week's WALK ON WEDNESDAYS champions, with 96% of the class taking part. Well done to everyone! Keep walking!

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  • Can you help the Ladybirds class?

    Published 12/05/23

    On Friday 19th May, Ladybirds Class will be undertaking their 'Community in Action' project for this term. We are going to plant up pots and containers with flowering plants to give to the older residents in the community. By doing so, we hope to share a little love and put a smile on the faces of our elderly neighbours.

    Do you have any spare containers or planters that you could donate to our project? Could you donate any flowers/ plants? Any donations would be gratefully received no matter how big or small. Also, if you know of anyone in the local area who would be pleased to receive a planter of flowers, do let Mrs Chapman know in advance before the planters are distributed. Donations can be brought straight down to Ladybird Class anytime next week.

    A huge 'Thank you!' in advance for your support. From all the Ladybirds.


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  • Celebrating the King's Coronation

    Published 05/05/23

    What a fun day we have had celebrating the Coronation of King Charles! The children looked amazing in their red, white and blue clothes, and the crowns they made were fantastic. Thank you for all your help!

    During the afternoon, the children came together to sing some Coronation songs that they have been practising - ask them to sing them to you at home! The children also took home a Coronation pencil gift, thanks to the Catherine Thompson Trust.

    For more pictures see the Personal Development Gallery.

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