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School News

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  • All Souls' Art Week

    Published 08/06/24

    We are looking forward to an arty week in school, next week. There will be lots of fun activities, a visit from a local artist and an art competition with prizes. Let's get creative!

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  • Stars of the Week - 24.5.24

    Published 24/05/24

    Well done to everyone for all your hard work this week.

    The Stars of the Week are:-

    • Ladybirds - Naima L - for challenging herself with writing this week!
    • Dragonflies - Lucy
    • Caterpillars - Emily B - for being a great member of the team and for good effort.
    • Fireflies - Ted F - for super effort all week.
    • Dolphins - Polly M - for always trying hard and contributing well to lessons.
    • Sharks - Drey B - for being resilient and trying his best all week.
    • Stingrays - Charlie P - for being a kind and supportive member of the class.
    • Turtles - Kenzie
    • Orcas - Lily
    • Penguins - Amelia T - for excellent work in English with her non-chronological report.
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  • Stars of the Week - 17.5.24

    Published 17/05/24


    Well done to everyone for all your hard work this week.

    The Stars of the Week are:-

    • Ladybirds - Ahmet K
    • Dragonflies - Octavia D
    • Caterpillars - Alice-Mae B
    • Fireflies - Evie M for catching up with her work really well.
    • Dolphins - Ava P
    • Sharks - Teddy M for his excellent work this week, and he is always caring to others.
    • Stingrays - Joel D for being an enthusiastic learner in all lessons, trying hard with his writing and completing his reading bookmark.
    • Turtles - Emelia R
    • Orcas - Simona C
    • Penguins - Peppino G for excellent work ethic and concentration during SATs and afternoon learning.
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  • Paper Plate Winners!

    Published 17/05/24

    Well done to everyone who entered our paper plate competition.  We were very impressed by the paper plate book characters. What an eye-catching display they have made! Can you spot any characters you know?

    And the winners are...

    Dragonflies - Lucy P

    Ladybirds - Scarlett-Rose A

    Fireflies - Freya T

    Caterpillars - Arthur N and Simeon D

    Sharks - Primrose H

    Dolphins - Alfie M

    Orcas - Sienna S

    Turtles - Achaea L

    Penguins - Isla H

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  • Parent and Toddler Group

    Published 11/05/24

    We have a new Parent & Toddler Group starting on Tuesday 4th June at All Souls' Church Hall. We look forward to seeing you there.

    Cheriton Parent and Toddler Group.png

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  • Stars of the Week - 10.5.24

    Published 11/05/24

    Well done to everyone for all your hard work this week.

    The Stars of the Week are:-

    • Ladybirds - Pea S
    • Dragonflies - Mylo F
    • Caterpillars - Paisley D
    • Fireflies - Ella F
    • Dolphins - Ethan J
    • Sharks - Primrose H - for excellent contributions in class and trusting those around her to help.
    • Stingrays - Evie M
    • Turtles - Salathiel L
    • Orcas - Simona C
    • Penguins - Isla H - for excellent contributions to class discussions.
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  • Stars of the Week - 3.5.24

    Published 03/05/24

    Well done to everyone for all your hard work this week.

    The Stars of the Week are:-

    • Ladybirds - Charlie C
    • Dragonflies - Violet M
    • Caterpillars - Ava G
    • Fireflies - Alice-Faye E
    • Dolphins - Alfie M
    • Sharks - Frankie W
    • Stingrays - Omar A
    • Turtles - Emelia R
    • Orcas - Noah D
    • Penguins - Esme D
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  • SATs Breakfast

    Published 03/05/24

    We are now rushing towards the week of the Year 6 SATs.  Once again, we are offering all Year 6 pupils a free breakfast in school to try to make sure they have the slow release of energy they need for the test mornings. Children who are taking up this offer should arrive at school for 8am.

    A buffet style breakfast of cereals, yoghurt, fruit, toast, croissants and fruit juice will be available in the hall. This will be available on the days of the tests, which are 13th, 14th, 15th and 16th May.

    So that we have an idea of numbers for catering, please can you email the school office ( by Wednesday 8th May 2024 indicating which days your child would like to attend.

    If you have any questions about the tests or organisation of the week, please feel free to contact the school.

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    Published 03/05/24

    All parents of our Year 6 children are invited to a coffee morning in school on Friday 7th June 2024 10am-11am.

    The morning will be a chance to gather information regarding your child’s move from primary to secondary school, to ask any questions you may have and to learn more about your child’s new school.

    There will be a member of staff from all the local secondary schools at the coffee morning to answer any questions you may have.

    We look forward to seeing you all and giving you as much information as possible to support you and your child with the move to their next school.

    Please contact Mrs Allon to confirm your attendance on

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  • Stars of the Week - 26.4.24

    Published 26/04/24

    Well done to everyone for all your hard work this week.

    The Stars of the Week are:-

    • Ladybirds - Kathleen E
    • Dragonflies - Yuvan S
    • Caterpillars - Robyn E
    • Fireflies - Lawrence P
    • Dolphins - Mrinali M
    • Sharks - Lily B
    • Stingrays - Jax S
    • Turtles - Dylan W
    • Orcas - Felicity M
    • Penguins - Ella F
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  • A Big Thank You

    Published 26/04/24

    The residents at Laurel Court have been very kindly shopping for food for our families. Our food bank is very well stocked at the moment, so please do contact me, ,or call the school office if you would like us to put a bag of food together for you.

    We would like to thank Laurel Court for all of their amazing donations.

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  • Stars of the Week - 19.4.24

    Published 19/04/24

    Well done to everyone for all your hard work this week.

    The Stars of the Week are:-

    • Ladybirds - Elijah B
    • Dragonflies - Molly-Rose B
    • Caterpillars - Madison H
    • Fireflies - Noah Y
    • Dolphins - Mohammed A
    • Sharks - Mimsa L
    • Stingrays - Charlie L
    • Turtles - Willow C
    • Orcas - Zander W
    • Penguins - Toby 
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