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School News

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July 2024

  • Children's Park Run

    Published 21/07/24

    Look at how many All Souls' children attended the trial Children's Park Run on Sunday! Mrs Andrews said that they all did amazingly well and didn't give up! Well done everyone! The next event starts on July 28th at Radnor Park at 9am. Meet near the play park.

    All under 15's are welcome! You can walk, jog or run! Free to enter, you just need to register online for your barcode!

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  • Stars of the Week - 19.7.24

    Published 21/07/24

    Well done to everyone for all your hard work this year! Everyone is a 'Star' this week!

    Please see below for messages from the class teachers.


    I have loved teaching the Ladybirds class this year! Each and every one of you has made me super proud. You are all amazing children!

    Love from Mrs Welsh

    Dragonflies have made me so very proud this year and I have loved teaching you all! We have shared many special moments together, and I know you will all try so hard in your new classes! Have a wonderful summer break!

    Love from Mrs Andrews

    Caterpillars, thank you for all your hard work this year. It has been so wonderful to watch you grow in confidence as learners. We are very proud of you. Have a wonderful summer break.

    From Mrs Coughlan, Mrs Walker and Mrs Denyer

    Dear Fireflies. Thank you for being THE most amazing class in the entire universe! You have worked incredibly hard all year and should be so proud of all you have achieved. Have fun and stay safe over the summer. See you in September.

    From Mrs Chapman

    Dolphins, thank you for another fantastic year. You have all tried hard, been great fun and worked as a team. Well done! You should all be proud of yourselves. Have a fantastic summer. Come back rested and ready to do it all again!

    From Mrs Brinkley

    Sharks, you have been an absolute joy to teach from the moment I joined. You are all so much fun, creative, respectful and kind young people. Your new teachers are lucky to have such amazing children.

    From Mr Partridge

    Stingrays, thank you for making this year memorable and full of fun! Well done for all your hard work.

    From Mr Rose

    It has been a wonderful year for Turtles, with everyone working so hard. I am so proud of you all. Well done Turtles!

    From Mr Morrison

    Orcas: What a positive year! It has been a pleasure teaching you. Keep up the good work - we will miss you all very much.

    From Mrs Wakeling and Mrs Payne

    Penguins: What a wonderful class to teach. You have all done so well and should be very proud of yourselves. I will miss you all!

    From Mrs Jones


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  • Super Summer Fete News!

    Published 12/07/24

    We hope you all enjoyed the Summer Fête held recently. Despite the weather being against us, and moving the activities indoors, together, we raised an amazing £1,289.97 after expenses. Thank you to everyone that supported and attended our event, and also those that purchased raffle tickets. 

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  • Stars of the Week - 12.7.24

    Published 12/07/24

    Well done to everyone for all your hard work this week.

    The Stars of the Week are:-

    • Ladybirds - Riley for being helpful.
    • Dragonflies - Eizun for amazing reading and writing this week.
    • Caterpillars - Ayyub for good listening and effort.
    • Fireflies - Leo for his determination.
    • Dolphins - Maisie for trying hard and always having neatly presented learning.
    • Sharks - Jax M for always trying his best and coming up with helpful ideas.
    • Stingrays - Jax S for being responsible, always up for a challenge and a caring member of the class.
    • Turtles - Kenzie for lovely English work.
    • Orcas - Nina for being a fantastic role model.
    • Penguins - Violet for excellent suspense writing in English.
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  • Young Carers Year 6 Transition Day

    Published 06/07/24

    Our young carers in Year 6 had a great day at the Three Hills recently. As well as meeting staff and some of the Year 7 students, they got to meet other young carers that will be going to their secondary schools. The day was full of exciting activities, such as wheelchair basketball, cricket, dodgeball, boxing and smoothie bikes!

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  • Stars of the Week - 5.7.24

    Published 06/07/24

    Well done to everyone for all your hard work.

    The Stars of the Week are:-

    • Ladybirds - Naima for lots of independent learning this week.
    • Dragonflies - Bria for excellent learning this week.
    • Caterpillars - Aria for having a good attitude to her learning this week.
    • Fireflies - Isla for amazing effort and confidence this week.
    • Dolphins - Fiona for trying hard in English.
    • Sharks - Henry for excellent effort in class.
    • Stingrays - Star for great teamwork in our DT project and always being ready to learn.
    • Turtles - Florrie for good work all week.
    • Orcas - Luca for a good attitude towards his learning.
    • Penguins - Preston for always using his manners and showing kindness to others this week.
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July 2024