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P.E. Days

To ensure that children enjoy fuller P.E. lessons and the loss of school uniform is reduced, children can come to school wearing their full P.E. kit on the day they have P.E.

Spare P.E. kits will be in school, should they be needed, and children will be expected to wear them.

The table below indicates the day classes have their P.E. lessons for 2024 -2025.

Monday Orcas, Penguins, Turtles and Ladybirds
Thursday Sharks, Stingrays and Dolphins
Friday Bumblebees, Fireflies and Caterpillars

A reminder that NO jewellery can be worn during PE, especially earrings. We are unable to remove your child's earrings for them, or cover them with tape due to health and safety. Please remove any jewellery before coming to school, or pupils will be expected to be able to remove it themselves. As well as risking your child getting hurt, we also don't want any broken jewellery. Thank you for your support.