'Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas.'
At All Souls’ we aim to inspire, challenge and motivate pupils in their mathematical learning and strive to foster a real love of maths throughout the school.
Careful planning, following guidance within the National Curriculum, as well as the White Rose Maths scheme, ensures that mathematical concepts taught build upon previous learning, providing consistency in teaching and continuous progression in mathematical learning across, and between the key stages. They are practical and engaging and pupils are supported in achieving the very best of their potential in order attain a secure understanding of mathematical concepts based on number, shape, space and measures. Problem solving forms a key part of our teaching where pupils develop a range of strategies that help them approach and solve mathematical challenges with confidence and resilience. Many opportunities are also provided for pupils to relate the learning taking place in class to ‘real life’ experiences.
We have embedded a ‘diving deeper’ approach to our maths lessons, which actively encourages pupils to demonstrate their understanding of a concept in a variety of ways. Pupils will use a wide range of practical resources and manipulatives (e.g. numicon, bead strings, ten frames and dienes blocks), as well as being encouraged to create pictures and drawings to help them consolidate their understanding and create links with the written calculations.
Our continued focus on ‘maths talk’ within the classroom serves to enrich pupils in the language needed to explain their mathematical thinking with their peers, and equip them with the ability and confidence to discuss and challenge the thinking of others.
Progression in Mathematics