Dolphins - Years 3 and 4
We had a fantastic time celebrating World Book Day in Dolphins!
Welcome back to Term 4!
We hope you had a lovely break and that everyone is ready for another exciting term of learning. Our topic for term four is entitled Bubbling Brews. We will be exploring rivers and the water cycle in Geography, looking at states of matter in Science, and perfecting our dance skills in PE, just to name a few of the fun activities coming up!
We will also be reading Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone as our text, which is sure to conjure up some magical writing across the term.
As with each term, the weekly home learning for Year 3 and 4 Maths can be found on the home learning tab of the website. Just remember to bring your home learning books in (if you have not already) and your teacher can stick in a grid for you to take home. We have received some magnificent efforts from many of you so far this year, so we can't wait to see the same again!
Click on the link for Accelerated Reader below to complete any book quizzes: