Caterpillars - Years 1 and 2
Week beginning 3rd March 2025
Welcome back to all our Caterpillar families!
We are looking forward to Term 4 and the beginning of Spring. Our curriculum theme for this term is ...
In our Geography lessons, we will be exploring maps as well as identifying the countries and capital cities of the United Kingdom. Our Science lessons will focus on habitats, life-cycles and food chains. To find out about all our curriculum learning this term, please click on the attachments at the bottom of this page.
As always, we will continue with our daily maths sessions following the Power Maths scheme and our phonics learning will follow the Bug Club phonic programme.
We will base our English learning on our 'Animal Planet' theme. This term we will: create animal shape poems, write information leaflets on how to look after pets, retell one of Aesop's fables and create newspaper reports about a wildlife disaster. These are the books we will use to help us with our English learning...
Our class reading book will be...
Our P.S.H.E lessons will focus on ...Healthy Me.
We encourage all parents and carers to take an active role in supporting their child's learning. Please take several times each week to hear your child read and practise their tricky words and phonic sounds. This will support their fluency and independence during reading and writing activities.
Don't forget to sign your child's bookmark each time you hear them read. When five bookmarks are completed, your child will be able to choose a new book from Mrs Ransley's bookshelf to take home and keep. Well done to all those who have achieved this so far!
You can also help continue the learning at home by supporting your child in completing their weekly maths home learning challenges as well as four of the challenges from the home learning grid. Find challenges in the 'Home Learning' section of the website.