Week beginning 20th November 2023
Once again, the weeks are whizzing by! We are continuing to keep busy with our learning.

Week beginning 13th November 2023

Week beginning 6th November 2023
This week, in our English lessons, we have been exploring the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We have sequenced the story, written captions to match the different story events, and have enjoyed creating story bags with puppets to help us retell the story to a friend.

Week beginning Monday 30th October 2023
This week has seen us begin our new curriculum learning, with a particular focus on Autumn. I think, however, we have probably seen all we want to of the Autumn winds and rain we have experienced over the past few days!
Have a look at some of the things we have been up to this week.

In our Geography learning, we have been using Atlases to identify the four countries that make up the United Kingdom. We also shared a song to help us recall some facts about Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Click on the picture below to hear the song again.

A very warm welcome back to all our Caterpillars and their families. We hope you enjoyed the break.
Our curriculum theme in Term 2 is...

We will be comparing toys from the past in our History sessions, creating observational drawings of teddies in Art, finding out about the four countries of the UK in Geography and exploring natural and man-made materials in Science. For more details of our wider curriculum learning this term, please click on the attachment at the bottom of this page.

We will continue to follow the school's phonics programme 'Phonic Bug' and our maths programme 'Power Maths' each day.
We are looking forward to a fun-filled term of learning. Don't forget to check in each week to see what we have been up to.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns about your child's learning, please do see me at the end of the day or drop me an email.