Stars of the Week - 18.10.24
Well done to everyone for all your hard work this week!
Stars of the Week are as follows:
- Ladybirds - Louie M for his super maths challenge work.
- Bumblebees - Oakley C for his lovely sentences.
- Caterpillars - El L for her great work in English.
- Fireflies - Elsie F for simply being amazing in everything she's done this week.
- Dolphins - Amara J for being helpful in class and trying hard with her learning.
- Sharks - Jaxon M for being very respectful.
- Stingrays - Teddy M for always being willing to share his ideas in lessons and making a fantastic effort with his writing in English.
- Turtles - Elliot H for great work in English this week.
- Orcas - Luca O for excellent effort in all lessons.
- Penguins - Lois P for her positive attitude to learning.