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Stars of the Week - 24.5.24

Well done to everyone for all your hard work this week.

The Stars of the Week are:-

  • Ladybirds - Naima L - for challenging herself with writing this week!
  • Dragonflies - Lucy
  • Caterpillars - Emily B - for being a great member of the team and for good effort.
  • Fireflies - Ted F - for super effort all week.
  • Dolphins - Polly M - for always trying hard and contributing well to lessons.
  • Sharks - Drey B - for being resilient and trying his best all week.
  • Stingrays - Charlie P - for being a kind and supportive member of the class.
  • Turtles - Kenzie
  • Orcas - Lily
  • Penguins - Amelia T - for excellent work in English with her non-chronological report.